Fortunately the whole world loves colorful info-graphics! After all, if they didn't how would U.S.A. Today even stay in business? I tend to find informational graphics to be fascinating and often aesthetically meaningful (and as the child of a Ph.D. in Art History mother I am quite prepared to defend this rigorously). When done well information graphics can be, well, beautiful. And Flikr provided some excellent examples that were available under creative commons. You'll see the whole bit in my shortly to be posted thing 11. But under CC licensing I was able to find one of my favorites. The following info-map displays lexical usage of generic terms for soda by county, all the way from Coke to Pop to "other" (seriously what's wrong with you western North Carolina? Pick a term for crying out loud). Fun and informative.
P.S. Click on the picture and enlarge your screen to see detail.

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